Today, the photocell doors have become an inseparable and prevalent component of any type of building. We do not need any physical force to open the door. As soon as you approach the entry area, it detects you and opens automatically. This type of door, in addition to being usable in glass doors, is also used in doors made of aluminum profiles. This kind of door, is known as the photocell door which takes its name from the photocell system installed at the top section of the door which includes a system consisting of light-sensitive resistors. These resistors are able to detect light in a way as the human eye. As a result of this detection, the control system can activate the door. Photocells are actually quite sensitive to changes in ambient light. In the design of this system, to eliminate possible damages, resistors called LDR have been considered inside the black pipes. In this way, the angle of view of the photocell relative to the target area is limited and adjusted.